The Basics#

Opening a File#

To open a file, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="a.pdf") # open a document


Taking it further

See the list of supported file types and The How to Guide on Opening Files for more advanced options.

Extract text from a PDF#

To extract all the text from a PDF file, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="a.pdf") # open a document
out = open("output.txt", "wb") # create a text output
for page in doc: # iterate the document pages
    text = page.get_text().encode("utf8") # get plain text (is in UTF-8)
    out.write(text) # write text of page
    out.write(bytes((12,))) # write page delimiter (form feed 0x0C)

Of course it is not just PDF which can have text extracted - all the supported document file formats such as MOBI, EPUB, TXT can have their text extracted.


Taking it further

If your document contains image based text content the use OCR on the page for subsequent text extraction:

tp = page.get_textpage_ocr()
text = page.get_text(textpage=tp)

There are many more examples which explain how to extract text from specific areas or how to extract tables from documents. Please refer to the How to Guide for Text.

You can now also extract text in Markdown format.

API reference

Extract images from a PDF#

To extract all the images from a PDF file, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open a document

for page_index in range(len(doc)): # iterate over pdf pages
    page = doc[page_index] # get the page
    image_list = page.get_images()

    # print the number of images found on the page
    if image_list:
        print(f"Found {len(image_list)} images on page {page_index}")
        print("No images found on page", page_index)

    for image_index, img in enumerate(image_list, start=1): # enumerate the image list
        xref = img[0] # get the XREF of the image
        pix = pymupdf.Pixmap(doc, xref) # create a Pixmap

        if pix.n - pix.alpha > 3: # CMYK: convert to RGB first
            pix = pymupdf.Pixmap(pymupdf.csRGB, pix)"page_%s-image_%s.png" % (page_index, image_index)) # save the image as png
        pix = None


Taking it further

There are many more examples which explain how to extract text from specific areas or how to extract tables from documents. Please refer to the How to Guide for Text.

API reference

Extract vector graphics#

To extract all the vector graphics from a document page, do the following:

doc ="some.file")
page = doc[0]
paths = page.get_drawings()

This will return a dictionary of paths for any vector drawings found on the page.


Taking it further

Please refer to: How to Extract Drawings.

API reference

Merging PDF files#

To merge PDF files, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc_a ="a.pdf") # open the 1st document
doc_b ="b.pdf") # open the 2nd document

doc_a.insert_pdf(doc_b) # merge the docs"a+b.pdf") # save the merged document with a new filename

Merging PDF files with other types of file#

With Document.insert_file() you can invoke the method to merge supported files with PDF. For example:

import pymupdf

doc_a ="a.pdf") # open the 1st document
doc_b ="b.svg") # open the 2nd document

doc_a.insert_file(doc_b) # merge the docs"a+b.pdf") # save the merged document with a new filename


Taking it further

It is easy to join PDFs with Document.insert_pdf() & Document.insert_file(). Given open PDF documents, you can copy page ranges from one to the other. You can select the point where the copied pages should be placed, you can revert the page sequence and also change page rotation. This Wiki article contains a full description.

The GUI script uses this method to join a list of files while also joining the respective table of contents segments. It looks like this:


API reference

Working with Coordinates#

There is one mathematical term that you should feel comfortable with when using PyMuPDF - “coordinates”. Please have a quick look at the Coordinates section to understand the coordinate system to help you with positioning objects and understand your document space.

Adding a watermark to a PDF#

To add a watermark to a PDF file, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="document.pdf") # open a document

for page_index in range(len(doc)): # iterate over pdf pages
    page = doc[page_index] # get the page

    # insert an image watermark from a file name to fit the page bounds
    page.insert_image(page.bound(),filename="watermark.png", overlay=False)"watermarked-document.pdf") # save the document with a new filename


Taking it further

Adding watermarks is essentially as simple as adding an image at the base of each PDF page. You should ensure that the image has the required opacity and aspect ratio to make it look the way you need it to.

In the example above a new image is created from each file reference, but to be more performant (by saving memory and file size) this image data should be referenced only once - see the code example and explanation on Page.insert_image() for the implementation.

API reference

Adding an image to a PDF#

To add an image to a PDF file, for example a logo, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="document.pdf") # open a document

for page_index in range(len(doc)): # iterate over pdf pages
    page = doc[page_index] # get the page

    # insert an image logo from a file name at the top left of the document
    page.insert_image(pymupdf.Rect(0,0,50,50),filename="my-logo.png")"logo-document.pdf") # save the document with a new filename


Taking it further

As with the watermark example you should ensure to be more performant by only referencing the image once if possible - see the code example and explanation on Page.insert_image().

API reference

Rotating a PDF#

To add a rotation to a page, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open document
page = doc[0] # get the 1st page of the document
page.set_rotation(90) # rotate the page"rotated-page-1.pdf")


API reference

Cropping a PDF#

To crop a page to a defined Rect, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open document
page = doc[0] # get the 1st page of the document
page.set_cropbox(pymupdf.Rect(100, 100, 400, 400)) # set a cropbox for the page"cropped-page-1.pdf")


API reference

Attaching Files#

To attach another file to a page, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open main document
attachment ="my-attachment.pdf") # open document you want to attach

page = doc[0] # get the 1st page of the document
point = pymupdf.Point(100, 100) # create the point where you want to add the attachment
attachment_data = attachment.tobytes() # get the document byte data as a buffer

# add the file annotation with the point, data and the file name
file_annotation = page.add_file_annot(point, attachment_data, "attachment.pdf")"document-with-attachment.pdf") # save the document


Taking it further

When adding the file with Page.add_file_annot() note that the third parameter for the filename should include the actual file extension. Without this the attachment possibly will not be able to be recognized as being something which can be opened. For example, if the filename is just “attachment” when view the resulting PDF and attempting to open the attachment you may well get an error. However, with “attachment.pdf” this can be recognized and opened by PDF viewers as a valid file type.

The default icon for the attachment is by default a “push pin”, however you can change this by setting the icon parameter.

API reference

Embedding Files#

To embed a file to a document, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open main document
embedded_doc ="my-embed.pdf") # open document you want to embed

embedded_data = embedded_doc.tobytes() # get the document byte data as a buffer

# embed with the file name and the data
doc.embfile_add("my-embedded_file.pdf", embedded_data)"document-with-embed.pdf") # save the document


Taking it further

As with attaching files, when adding the file with Document.embfile_add() note that the first parameter for the filename should include the actual file extension.

API reference

Deleting Pages#

To delete a page from a document, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open a document
doc.delete_page(0) # delete the 1st page of the document"test-deleted-page-one.pdf") # save the document

To delete a multiple pages from a document, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open a document
doc.delete_pages(from_page=9, to_page=14) # delete a page range from the document"test-deleted-pages.pdf") # save the document

Re-Arranging Pages#

To change the sequence of pages, i.e. re-arrange pages, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open a document
doc.move_page(1,0) # move the 2nd page of the document to the start of the document"test-page-moved.pdf") # save the document


API reference

Copying Pages#

To copy pages, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open a document
doc.copy_page(0) # copy the 1st page and puts it at the end of the document"test-page-copied.pdf") # save the document


API reference

Selecting Pages#

To select pages, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc ="test.pdf") # open a document[0, 1]) # select the 1st & 2nd page of the document"just-page-one-and-two.pdf") # save the document


Taking it further

With PyMuPDF you have all options to copy, move, delete or re-arrange the pages of a PDF. Intuitive methods exist that allow you to do this on a page-by-page level, like the Document.copy_page() method.

Or you alternatively prepare a complete new page layout in form of a Python sequence, that contains the page numbers you want, in the sequence you want, and as many times as you want each page. The following may illustrate what can be done with[1, 1, 1, 5, 4, 9, 9, 9, 0, 2, 2, 2])

Now let’s prepare a PDF for double-sided printing (on a printer not directly supporting this):

The number of pages is given by len(doc) (equal to doc.page_count). The following lists represent the even and the odd page numbers, respectively:

p_even = [p in range(doc.page_count) if p % 2 == 0]
p_odd  = [p in range(doc.page_count) if p % 2 == 1]

This snippet creates the respective sub documents which can then be used to print the document: # only the even pages left over"even.pdf") # save the "even" PDF
doc.close() # recycle the file
doc = # re-open # and do the same with the odd pages"odd.pdf")

For more information also have a look at this Wiki article.

The following example will reverse the order of all pages (extremely fast: sub-second time for the 756 pages of the Adobe PDF References):

lastPage = doc.page_count - 1
for i in range(lastPage):
    doc.move_page(lastPage, i) # move current last page to the front

This snippet duplicates the PDF with itself so that it will contain the pages 0, 1, …, n, 0, 1, …, n (extremely fast and without noticeably increasing the file size!):

page_count = len(doc)
for i in range(page_count):
    doc.copy_page(i) # copy this page to after last page

API reference

Adding Blank Pages#

To add a blank page, do the following:

import pymupdf

doc = # some new or existing PDF document
page = doc.new_page(-1, # insertion point: end of document
                    width = 595, # page dimension: A4 portrait
                    height = 842)"doc-with-new-blank-page.pdf") # save the document


Taking it further

Use this to create the page with another pre-defined paper format:

w, h = pymupdf.paper_size("letter-l")  # 'Letter' landscape
page = doc.new_page(width = w, height = h)

The convenience function paper_size() knows over 40 industry standard paper formats to choose from. To see them, inspect dictionary paperSizes. Pass the desired dictionary key to paper_size() to retrieve the paper dimensions. Upper and lower case is supported. If you append “-L” to the format name, the landscape version is returned.

Here is a 3-liner that creates a PDF: with one empty page. Its file size is 460 bytes:

doc =

API reference

Inserting Pages with Text Content#

Using the Document.insert_page() method also inserts a new page and accepts the same width and height parameters. But it lets you also insert arbitrary text into the new page and returns the number of inserted lines.

import pymupdf

doc =  # some new or existing PDF document
n = doc.insert_page(-1, # default insertion point
                    text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog",
                    fontsize = 11,
                    width = 595,
                    height = 842,
                    fontname = "Helvetica", # default font
                    fontfile = None, # any font file name
                    color = (0, 0, 0)) # text color (RGB)


Taking it further

The text parameter can be a (sequence of) string (assuming UTF-8 encoding). Insertion will start at Point (50, 72), which is one inch below top of page and 50 points from the left. The number of inserted text lines is returned.

API reference

Splitting Single Pages#

This deals with splitting up pages of a PDF in arbitrary pieces. For example, you may have a PDF with Letter format pages which you want to print with a magnification factor of four: each page is split up in 4 pieces which each going to a separate PDF page in Letter format again.

import pymupdf

src ="test.pdf")
doc =  # empty output PDF

for spage in src:  # for each page in input
    r = spage.rect  # input page rectangle
    d = pymupdf.Rect(spage.cropbox_position,  # CropBox displacement if not
                  spage.cropbox_position)  # starting at (0, 0)
    # example: cut input page into 2 x 2 parts
    r1 = r / 2  # top left rect
    r2 = r1 + (r1.width, 0, r1.width, 0)  # top right rect
    r3 = r1 + (0, r1.height, 0, r1.height)  # bottom left rect
    r4 = pymupdf.Rect(,  # bottom right rect
    rect_list = [r1, r2, r3, r4]  # put them in a list

    for rx in rect_list:  # run thru rect list
        rx += d  # add the CropBox displacement
        page = doc.new_page(-1,  # new output page with rx dimensions
                           width = rx.width,
                           height = rx.height)
                page.rect,  # fill all new page with the image
                src,  # input document
                spage.number,  # input page number
                clip = rx,  # which part to use of input page

# that's it, save output file"poster-" +,
         garbage=3,  # eliminate duplicate objects
         deflate=True,  # compress stuff where possible



Combining Single Pages#

This deals with joining PDF pages to form a new PDF with pages each combining two or four original ones (also called “2-up”, “4-up”, etc.). This could be used to create booklets or thumbnail-like overviews.

import pymupdf

src ="test.pdf")
doc =  # empty output PDF

width, height = pymupdf.paper_size("a4")  # A4 portrait output page format
r = pymupdf.Rect(0, 0, width, height)

# define the 4 rectangles per page
r1 = r / 2  # top left rect
r2 = r1 + (r1.width, 0, r1.width, 0)  # top right
r3 = r1 + (0, r1.height, 0, r1.height)  # bottom left
r4 = pymupdf.Rect(,  # bottom right

# put them in a list
r_tab = [r1, r2, r3, r4]

# now copy input pages to output
for spage in src:
    if spage.number % 4 == 0:  # create new output page
        page = doc.new_page(-1,
                      width = width,
                      height = height)
    # insert input page into the correct rectangle
    page.show_pdf_page(r_tab[spage.number % 4],  # select output rect
                     src,  # input document
                     spage.number)  # input page number

# by all means, save new file using garbage collection and compression"4up.pdf", garbage=3, deflate=True)



PDF Encryption & Decryption#

Starting with version 1.16.0, PDF decryption and encryption (using passwords) are fully supported. You can do the following:


A PDF document may have two different passwords:

  • The owner password provides full access rights, including changing passwords, encryption method, or permission detail.

  • The user password provides access to document content according to the established permission details. If present, opening the PDF in a viewer will require providing it.

Method Document.authenticate() will automatically establish access rights according to the password used.

The following snippet creates a new PDF and encrypts it with separate user and owner passwords. Permissions are granted to print, copy and annotate, but no changes are allowed to someone authenticating with the user password.

import pymupdf

text = "some secret information" # keep this data secret
perm = int(
    pymupdf.PDF_PERM_ACCESSIBILITY # always use this
    | pymupdf.PDF_PERM_PRINT # permit printing
    | pymupdf.PDF_PERM_COPY # permit copying
    | pymupdf.PDF_PERM_ANNOTATE # permit annotations
owner_pass = "owner" # owner password
user_pass = "user" # user password
encrypt_meth = pymupdf.PDF_ENCRYPT_AES_256 # strongest algorithm
doc = # empty pdf
page = doc.new_page() # empty page
page.insert_text((50, 72), text) # insert the data
    encryption=encrypt_meth, # set the encryption method
    owner_pw=owner_pass, # set the owner password
    user_pw=user_pass, # set the user password
    permissions=perm, # set permissions


Taking it further

Opening this document with some viewer (Nitro Reader 5) reflects these settings:


Decrypting will automatically happen on save as before when no encryption parameters are provided.

To keep the encryption method of a PDF save it using encryption=pymupdf.PDF_ENCRYPT_KEEP. If doc.can_save_incrementally() == True, an incremental save is also possible.

To change the encryption method specify the full range of options above (encryption, owner_pw, user_pw, permissions). An incremental save is not possible in this case.

API reference

Extracting Tables from a Page#

Tables can be found and extracted from any document Page.

import pymupdf
from pprint import pprint

doc ="test.pdf") # open document
page = doc[0] # get the 1st page of the document
tabs = page.find_tables() # locate and extract any tables on page
print(f"{len(tabs.tables)} found on {page}") # display number of found tables

if tabs.tables:  # at least one table found?
   pprint(tabs[0].extract())  # print content of first table


API reference


There is also the pdf2docx extract tables method which is capable of table extraction if you prefer.

Getting All Annotations from a Document#

Annotations (Annot) on pages can be retrieved with the page.annots() method.

import pymupdf

for page in doc:
    for annot in page.annots():
        print(f'Annotation on page: {page.number} with type: {annot.type} and rect: {annot.rect}')


API reference

Redacting content from a PDF#

Redactions are special types of annotations which can be marked onto a document page to denote an area on the page which should be securely removed. After marking an area with a rectangle then this area will be marked for redaction, once the redaction is applied then the content is securly removed.

For example if we wanted to redact all instances of the name “Jane Doe” from a document we could do the following:

import pymupdf

# Open the PDF document
doc ='test.pdf')

# Iterate over each page of the document
for page in doc:
    # Find all instances of "Jane Doe" on the current page
    instances = page.search_for("Jane Doe")

    # Redact each instance of "Jane Doe" on the current page
    for inst in instances:

    # Apply the redactions to the current page

# Save the modified document'redacted_document.pdf')

# Close the document

Another example could be redacting an area of a page, but not to redact any line art (i.e. vector graphics) within the defined area, by setting a parameter flag as follows:

import pymupdf

# Open the PDF document
doc ='test.pdf')

# Get the first page
page = doc[0]

# Add an area to redact
rect = [0,0,200,200]

# Add a redacction annotation which will have a red fill color
page.add_redact_annot(rect, fill=(1,0,0))

# Apply the redactions to the current page, but ignore vector graphics

# Save the modified document'redactied_document.pdf')

# Close the document


Once a redacted version of a document is saved then the redacted content in the PDF is irretrievable. Thus, a redacted area in a document removes text and graphics completely from that area.


Taking it further

The are a few options for creating and applying redactions to a page, for the full API details to understand the parameters to control these options refer to the API reference.

API reference

Converting PDF Documents#

We recommend the pdf2docx library which uses PyMuPDF and the python-docx library to provide simple document conversion from PDF to DOCX format.

This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that license. Refer to licensing information at or contact Artifex Software Inc., 39 Mesa Street, Suite 108A, San Francisco CA 94129, United States for further information.

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