Common Issues and their Solutions#

How To Dynamically Clean Up Corrupt PDFs#

This shows a potential use of PyMuPDF with another Python PDF library (the excellent pure Python package pdfrw is used here as an example).

If a clean, non-corrupt / decompressed PDF is needed, one could dynamically invoke PyMuPDF to recover from many problems like so:

import sys
from io import BytesIO
from pdfrw import PdfReader
import pymupdf

# 'Tolerant' PDF reader
def reader(fname, password = None):
    idata = open(fname, "rb").read()  # read the PDF into memory and
    ibuffer = BytesIO(idata)  # convert to stream
    if password is None:
            return PdfReader(ibuffer)  # if this works: fine!

    # either we need a password or it is a problem-PDF
    # create a repaired / decompressed / decrypted version
    doc ="pdf", ibuffer)
    if password is not None:  # decrypt if password provided
        rc = doc.authenticate(password)
        if not rc > 0:
            raise ValueError("wrong password")
    c = doc.tobytes(garbage=3, deflate=True)
    del doc  # close & delete doc
    return PdfReader(BytesIO(c))  # let pdfrw retry
# Main program
pdf = reader("pymupdf.pdf", password = None) # include a password if necessary
print pdf.Info
# do further processing

With the command line utility pdftk (available for Windows only, but reported to also run under Wine) a similar result can be achieved, see here. However, you must invoke it as a separate process via subprocess.Popen, using stdin and stdout as communication vehicles.

How to Convert Any Document to PDF#

Here is a script that converts any PyMuPDF supported document to a PDF. These include XPS, EPUB, FB2, CBZ and image formats, including multi-page TIFF images.

It features maintaining any metadata, table of contents and links contained in the source document:

Demo script: Convert input file to a PDF
Intended for multi-page input files like XPS, EPUB etc.

Recovery of table of contents and links of input file.
While this works well for bookmarks (outlines, table of contents),
links will only work if they are not of type "LINK_NAMED".
This link type is skipped by the script.

For XPS and EPUB input, internal links however **are** of type "LINK_NAMED".
Base library MuPDF does not resolve them to page numbers.

So, for anyone expert enough to know the internal structure of these
document types, can further interpret and resolve these link types.

PyMuPDF v1.14.0+
import sys
import pymupdf
if not (list(map(int, pymupdf.VersionBind.split("."))) >= [1,14,0]):
    raise SystemExit("need PyMuPDF v1.14.0+")
fn = sys.argv[1]

print("Converting '%s' to '%s.pdf'" % (fn, fn))

doc =

b = doc.convert_to_pdf()  # convert to pdf
pdf ="pdf", b)  # open as pdf

toc= doc.get_toc()  # table of contents of input
pdf.set_toc(toc)  # simply set it for output
meta = doc.metadata  # read and set metadata
if not meta["producer"]:
    meta["producer"] = "PyMuPDF v" + pymupdf.VersionBind

if not meta["creator"]:
    meta["creator"] = "PyMuPDF PDF converter"
meta["modDate"] = pymupdf.get_pdf_now()
meta["creationDate"] = meta["modDate"]

# now process the links
link_cnti = 0
link_skip = 0
for pinput in doc:  # iterate through input pages
    links = pinput.get_links()  # get list of links
    link_cnti += len(links)  # count how many
    pout = pdf[pinput.number]  # read corresp. output page
    for l in links:  # iterate though the links
        if l["kind"] == pymupdf.LINK_NAMED:  # we do not handle named links
            print("named link page", pinput.number, l)
            link_skip += 1  # count them
        pout.insert_link(l)  # simply output the others

# save the conversion result + ".pdf", garbage=4, deflate=True)
# say how many named links we skipped
if link_cnti > 0:
    print("Skipped %i named links of a total of %i in input." % (link_skip, link_cnti))

How to Deal with Messages Issued by MuPDF#

Since PyMuPDF v1.16.0, error messages issued by the underlying MuPDF library are being redirected to the Python standard device sys.stderr. So you can handle them like any other output going to this devices.

In addition, these messages go to the internal buffer together with any MuPDF warnings – see below.

We always prefix these messages with an identifying string “mupdf:”. If you prefer to not see recoverable MuPDF errors at all, issue the command pymupdf.TOOLS.mupdf_display_errors(False).

MuPDF warnings continue to be stored in an internal buffer and can be viewed using Tools.mupdf_warnings().

Please note that MuPDF errors may or may not lead to Python exceptions. In other words, you may see error messages from which MuPDF can recover and continue processing.

Example output for a recoverable error. We are opening a damaged PDF, but MuPDF is able to repair it and gives us a little information on what happened. Then we illustrate how to find out whether the document can later be saved incrementally. Checking the Document.is_dirty attribute at this point also indicates that during the document had to be repaired:

>>> import pymupdf
>>> doc ="damaged-file.pdf")  # leads to a sys.stderr message:
mupdf: cannot find startxref
>>> print(pymupdf.TOOLS.mupdf_warnings())  # check if there is more info:
cannot find startxref
trying to repair broken xref
repairing PDF document
object missing 'endobj' token
>>> doc.can_save_incrementally()  # this is to be expected:
>>> # the following indicates whether there are updates so far
>>> # this is the case because of the repair actions:
>>> doc.is_dirty
>>> # the document has nevertheless been created:
>>> doc
>>> # we now know that any save must occur to a new file

Example output for an unrecoverable error:

>>> import pymupdf
>>> doc ="does-not-exist.pdf")
mupdf: cannot open does-not-exist.pdf: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
    doc ="does-not-exist.pdf")
  File "C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\fitz\", line 2200, in __init__
    _pymupdf.Document_swiginit(self, _pymupdf.new_Document(filename, stream, filetype, rect, width, height, fontsize))
RuntimeError: cannot open does-not-exist.pdf: No such file or directory

Changing Annotations: Unexpected Behaviour#


There are two scenarios:

  1. Updating an annotation with PyMuPDF which was created by some other software.

  2. Creating an annotation with PyMuPDF and later changing it with some other software.

In both cases you may experience unintended changes, like a different annotation icon or text font, the fill color or line dashing have disappeared, line end symbols have changed their size or even have disappeared too, etc.


Annotation maintenance is handled differently by each PDF maintenance application. Some annotation types may not be supported, or not be supported fully or some details may be handled in a different way than in another application. There is no standard.

Almost always a PDF application also comes with its own icons (file attachments, sticky notes and stamps) and its own set of supported text fonts. For example:

  • (Py-) MuPDF only supports these 5 basic fonts for ‘FreeText’ annotations: Helvetica, Times-Roman, Courier, ZapfDingbats and Symbol – no italics / no bold variations. When changing a ‘FreeText’ annotation created by some other app, its font will probably not be recognized nor accepted and be replaced by Helvetica.

  • PyMuPDF supports all PDF text markers (highlight, underline, strikeout, squiggly), but these types cannot be updated with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

In most cases there also exists limited support for line dashing which causes existing dashes to be replaced by straight lines. For example:

  • PyMuPDF fully supports all line dashing forms, while other viewers only accept a limited subset.


Unfortunately there is not much you can do in most of these cases.

  1. Stay with the same software for creating and changing an annotation.

  2. When using PyMuPDF to change an “alien” annotation, try to avoid Annot.update(). The following methods can be used without it, so that the original appearance should be maintained:

Missing or Unreadable Extracted Text#

Fairly often, text extraction does not work text as you would expect: text may be missing, or may not appear in the reading sequence visible on your screen, or contain garbled characters (like a ? or a “TOFU” symbol), etc. This can be caused by a number of different problems.

Problem: no text is extracted#

Your PDF viewer does display text, but you cannot select it with your cursor, and text extraction delivers nothing.


  1. You may be looking at an image embedded in the PDF page (e.g. a scanned PDF).

  2. The PDF creator used no font, but simulated text by painting it, using little lines and curves. E.g. a capital “D” could be painted by a line “|” and a left-open semi-circle, an “o” by an ellipse, and so on.


Use an OCR software like OCRmyPDF to insert a hidden text layer underneath the visible page. The resulting PDF should behave as expected.

Problem: unreadable text#

Text extraction does not deliver the text in readable order, duplicates some text, or is otherwise garbled.


  1. The single characters are readable as such (no “<?>” symbols), but the sequence in which the text is coded in the file deviates from the reading order. The motivation behind may be technical or protection of data against unwanted copies.

  2. Many “<?>” symbols occur, indicating MuPDF could not interpret these characters. The font may indeed be unsupported by MuPDF, or the PDF creator may haved used a font that displays readable text, but on purpose obfuscates the originating corresponding unicode character.


  1. Use layout preserving text extraction: python -m fitz gettext file.pdf.

  2. If other text extraction tools also don’t work, then the only solution again is OCRing the page.

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